Ufone International Call Packages Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Plans 2024

Ufone International Call Packages

Do you want to stay connected with your loved ones abroad without spending a lot of money on international calls? If yes, then you will be happy to know that Ufone offers a variety of international call packages that suit your needs and budget. Whether you want to make international calls for an hour, a day, a week, or a month.

Ufone has got you covered with its hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly packages. In this blog post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the Ufone International Call Packages, including their prices, validity, subscription codes, and terms and conditions.

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Ufone International Call Packages in 2024

Here are all Ufone International Call Packages in detail.

Package NameData VolumePrice (Load)ValiditySubscription Code
Ufone International Call Hourly Package10 minutesRs. 101 hour*789#
Ufone International Call Daily Package30 minutesRs. 3024 hours*888#
Ufone International Call Weekly Package100 minutesRs. 1007 days*999#
Ufone International Call Monthly Package300 minutesRs. 30030 days*1111#
Ufone International Call Packages Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Plans 2024

Hourly International Call Package

  • Price: Rs. 10
  • Call: 10 minutes (to any country in the world)
  • Validity: 1 hour
  • Subscribe code: *2288#

The hourly international call package is ideal for those spontaneous conversations with friends and family living abroad. For just Rs. 10, you get 10 minutes of talk time to any country in the world, and it’s valid for an hour.

Daily International Call Package

  • Price: Rs. 20
  • Call: 25 minutes (to any country in the world)
  • Validity: 1 day
  • Subscribe code:*2288#

The daily international call package offers a bit more flexibility. For Rs. 20, you can talk for 25 minutes to any country, and it’s valid for 24 hours.

Weekly International Call Package

  • Price: Rs. 50
  • Call: 100 minutes (to any country in the world)
  • Validity: 7 days
  • Subscribe code: *226#

For a more extended stay in the conversation, the weekly international call package is a great choice. At Rs. 50, you’ll have 100 minutes to talk over seven days.

Monthly International Call Package

  • Price: Rs. 150
  • Call: 300 minutes (to any country in the world)
  • Validity: 30 days
  • Subscribe code: *2244*4#

The monthly international call package provides excellent value for long-term connectivity. Priced at Rs. 150, you’ll get 300 minutes to use over 30 days.

Monthly International Call Package with Additional Benefits

  • Price: Rs. 250
  • Call: 500 minutes (to any country in the world)
  • SMS: 100 (international)
  • Validity: 30 days
  • Subscribe code: *2244*4#

This package not only offers extensive call time but also includes international SMS. For Rs. 250, you can enjoy 500 minutes and 100 international SMS for a whole month.

Supported Countries

Ufone international call packages support calls to over 200 countries around the world, including:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Qatar
  • Bahrain
  • Kuwait
  • Oman
  • India
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Afghanistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Nepal
  • Myanmar
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Singapore
  • Philippines
  • China
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • South Africa
  • Nigeria
  • Kenya
  • Uganda
  • Tanzania
  • Ghana
  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • Algeria
  • Tunisia
  • Libya
  • Turkey
  • Russia
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Greece
  • Bulgaria
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Armenia
  • Georgia
  • Mongolia
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

How to Subscribe to a Ufone International Call Package

Subscribing to a Ufone international call package is a breeze. Simply dial the subscription code mentioned above from your Ufone prepaid number. You’ll receive a confirmation SMS once your subscription is successful.

To unsubscribe from a Ufone international call package, dial the following code from your Ufone prepaid number:

  • Hourly International Call Package: *2288#
  • Daily International Call Package: *2288#
  • Weekly International Call Package: *226#
  • Monthly International Call Package: *2244*4#
  • Monthly International Call Package with Additional Benefits:*2288#

Please note: You can find more details about the destinations and rates of these packages on the Ufone website or by dialing *222#. You can also check your remaining minutes, data, and SMS by dialing *706#.

After you subscribe to the package that suits you best, you can enjoy making calls to your loved ones abroad without worrying about your balance. You can also save your balance by using Ufone data roaming, direct dialing, and international recharge services. You can find more information about these services on the Ufone website as well.

You can also share your balance with your friends and family who are also using Ufone by dialing 828Recipient NumberAmount#. For example, if you want to share Rs 50 with the number 03331234567, you can dial 8280333123456750#. You will be charged Rs 4.77 + tax for each transaction.

Terms and Conditions

Before opting for a Ufone international call package, it’s essential to understand the terms and conditions:

  • All Ufone international call packages are non-recursive, meaning they will not automatically renew at the end of the validity period.
  • If you run out of minutes before the validity period ends, you will be charged at the standard pay-as-you-go rate.
  • Ufone reserves the right to change or discontinue these packages at any time without prior notice.

Visit the Ufone website for more information.

Ufone International Call Packages Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Plans 2024

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